Profile (Translated from the Trading Card)
MP-34S Undercover Agent Shadow Panther (Beast Wars)
Function: Undercover Agent
Height: 2.3m (In Robot Mode)
Weight: 1.5t (In Robot mode)
A Destron Undercover Agent who transforms into a black leopard; in beast mode
he runs the land at such speed that he can only be described as a “black
bullet”. He was modelled to resemble the Cybertron warrior Cheetus; he has
unfairly preyed upon many a Cybertron by utilising this appearance. His black
body includes a stealth effect leaving him undetectable to radar allowing him
to make surprise attacks from the shadows. Together with his abilities as a
spy such as being able to infiltrate bases, this Destron Warrior is a
terrifying prospect.
STR...7.0; INT...6.0; SPD...8.0; END...9.0; RNK...4.0; CRG...8.0; FBL...7.0;