Saturday 29 July 2017

Masterpiece Tigertrack MP-12T

Profile (Translated from the Trading Card)
MP-12T Cybertron Sentry Tigertrack
Function: Sentry
Motto: “Even when something’s not visible to you, I can see it precisely.”
His unique hyperactive sensory system allows him to accurately pinpoint enemies in any number of poor environments, from the darkness, severe storms to front lines roaring with gunfire. His visual sensors in particular are sharp enough to instantly see through any camouflage, screen or illusion. He is also a cool headed yet ferocious hunter.
STR:8; INT:6; SPD:9; END:7; RNK:3; CRG:10; FBL:7; SKL:10

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Tigertrack 90 (Figure King G1 Exclusive, 2003)

Profile (Translated from the Trading Card)
Tigertrack 90
Function: Sentinel
Transformation: Super Car
Ability: Unique hyperactive sensory array allows him to accurately detect foreign enemies in any number of poor environments, from darkness to severe storms to front lines roaring with gunfire. His visual sensors in particular are sharp enough to instantly see through any camouflage, screen or illusion. He is also a cool yet ferocious hunter.
Weapons: Laser-Guided Ground-to-Air Missile Launcher & Electron-Pulse Gun
STR:8; INT:6; SPD:9; END:7; RNK:3; CRG:10; FBL:7; SKL:10; TTL: 60

Sunday 16 July 2017

Masterpiece Destron Laserwave MP-29

Profile (Translated from the Trading Card)
MP-29 Destron / Military Operations Commander Laserwave
Function: Military Operations Commander
Motto: “Clarity of thought before rashness of action.”
Laserwave has absolute loyalty towards Megatron. Megatron instructed him to guard the Destron headquarters on Seibertron. Controls electronic cameras capable of monitoring distant planets; he also transforms into his powerful Laser Vulcan mode which can unleash a devastating laser bombardment.
STR...9; INT...10; SPD...7; END...7; RNK...9; CRG...9; FBL...9; SKL...9