Monday, 9 May 2022

Masterpiece Tigatron MP-50

Profile (Translated from the Character Card) 
MP-50 Cybertron Polar Reconnaissance Tigatron (Beast Wars)

● Function: Cybertron Polar Reconnaissance
● Height: 2.3m (In Robot Mode)
● Weight: 1.5t (In Robot Mode)
● Profile
This Cybertron warrior loves nature and his solitude. Transforms into a white tiger. Waking on the planet's surface alone probably gave him the strong connection he has with his beast mode. Scours the wild in his animal form, performing solitary reconnaissance missions in the polar sectors escaping detection from base detection sensors. Quiet yet compassionate and respectful. This reclusive samurai has a habit of recounting memories to himself without anyone else around to listen.
STR...8; INT...3; SPD...8; END...7; RNK...4; CRG...10; FBL...7; SKL...6